
          What is industrial clean cloth

          2023-04-13 838
                Industrial clean cloth, belonging to non-woven abrasive products.  With special fiber as the base material, and then grinding ore composition, with a unique open mesh three-dimensional structure.
                The performance of industrial baijie butte is:
                1, industrial cloth elastic grinding, can effectively prevent excessive cutting and scratching the surface of the workpiece
                2, cold cutting, unique structure for effective heat dissipation, avoid workpiece processing due to overheating caused by discoloration and deformation;
          3, industrial clean cloth blocking, water resistance, oil resistance;
                4, self-sharpening grinding, grinding process fiber loss, the natural formation of new grinding ore, always provide common processing quality for the workpiece;
                At present, industrial clean cloth is mainly used in coating treatment of metal, wood and other data surface, cleaning, polishing, rust removal, deburring and other mechanical maintenance and cleaning, high-quality decorative line processing operations.
                General-purpose products, they have three unique skills: 1. Anti-blocking 2. Water resistance 3.
              Article from: Linyi Baijie cloth www.www.izhang.com.cn

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