
          Clean cloth ingredients in detail

          2023-04-13 1017

          Many netizens want to know what we use everydayWhat is the composition of 100 clean cloth


          Today it comes ?。。?!


          The main component of 100 clean cloth is made of nylon, which is processed into 100 clean cloth for our daily use by the masters after many processes.  


          Some of them are mixed with some ore, and the main reason for the inclusion of ore is to help us better clean stains.  


          At this point, many netizens will ask;  &  ldquo;  Will 100 clean cloth be mixed with toxic ingredients such as methane?  


          In fact, you can rest assured, because methane is already in the past, and methane has a strong pungent smell, the country has long been strict regulations on the use of methane, so  There's not even a trace of methane in the cloth


          Baijie cloth has a wide range of uses, not only has a significant protection effect on the POTS and pans in our life, but also can be used for industrial grinding. Because some metal surfaces in the industry need to be smooth and smooth, and general grinding appliances can not do it, so Baijie cloth has become the demand in industrial polishing and polishing  


          Its durability and friction effect has been recognized by customers, and the protection of the surface of the object is better than other grinding tools, has become an essential part.  


          Civil 100 clean cloth is kitchen cleaning supplies - including the kitchen special 100 clean cloth, sponge 100 clean cloth and multi-functional cleaning brush, with the use of cleaning liquid, can thoroughly remove stubborn stains, to clean dishes, absolutely do not damage the surface of the object, durable, is a new generation of cleaning appliances.  


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